An Interesting Read: Sleeping Disorders Extremely Common In The Basin 03/22/12

Sleeping Disorders Extremely Common In The Basin 03/22/12

CBS 7 News
Robert Guaderrama
March 22, 2012

Odessa, Texas – According to medical experts, 1 out of 5 Americans is living with some type of sleeping disorder. Sleep Apnea is one of the most common sleeping disorders and doctors tell us most people living with it don't even know and diagnosis can change their life.

"Unfortunately it's not well recognized by physicians and patients," said Amareanath Ghanta, Director, Medical Center Hospital Sleep Center.

Doctors say sleep disorders are extremely common in the Basin because of the prevalence of obesity.

"Because being heavy, the airway is narrowed and the fatty tissue closes off the airway during the night," said Ghanta.

But it's not only the obese who are at risk, anyone can... Click For More Here