Surgery for Sleep Apnea?

Do you:
  • snore every night?
  • wake suddenly during the night perspiring, choking or gasping for air?
  • wake in the morning with headaches or a sore throat?
  • fight falling asleep during the day, at work or while driving?
  • feel irritable, have memory loss or a lack of concentration each day?
  • suffer with obesity, reflux or high blood pressure?

Sleep disorders are a silent epidemic affecting the world's population. The debilitating conditions of these disorders include insomnia, persistent sleep deprivation, restless legs syndrome and obstructive sleep apnea. Truly fortunate are those individuals who, over an average lifetime, will experience 219,000 hours of restful nocturnal slumber. But for more than one third of the population, each night becomes an endless battle of interruptions caused by lifestyle choices, work schedules or poor health.
It is well documented that disordered sleeping becomes progressively apparent as we age, with 40 percent of the adult population snoring. Chronic snoring is a major symptom of obstructive sleep apnea. Unfortunately, 80 to 90 percent of adults with clinically significant obstructive sleep apnea remain undiagnosed. The effects of sleep apnea are not limited to adults; mouth breathing is....READ MORE HERE